The power of C programming language, everyone knows!
You can make a program for any use C.
Here is a short example to make a program to create infinite number of folder in its current directory and also a program to overcome it -i.e- recursive deleter, which will delete everyting from its directory.
So, lets start making program that will create the infinite number of folder.
And now, a program which will remove these infinite folders in a second.
You have the code of this program in cpf directory.
Remember, don't use this script to junk any pc!
You can make a program for any use C.
Here is a short example to make a program to create infinite number of folder in its current directory and also a program to overcome it -i.e- recursive deleter, which will delete everyting from its directory.
So, lets start making program that will create the infinite number of folder.
And now, a program which will remove these infinite folders in a second.
- I've created and compiled the programs to do so. Download the zip from github.
- Extract it to a directory.
- Now copy the run and exec folder to the place where you want to do experiment. Say 'Desktop'.
- NOTE: Copy run and exec both at Desktop.
- Run the vfolder using terminal or double clicking on it.
- As soon you run, it will keep creating infinite no of folder in run directory until you press ctrl+c or ctrl+z
Press CTRL+Z to stop the process or you will junk your pc.
- Now find the vremove file, and double click on it.
- It will clean everything in that run directory including itself.
You have the code of this program in cpf directory.
Remember, don't use this script to junk any pc!